29 april 2010

Babel (words)

I morgon blir det dansupplevelse i Bryssel. Den här pinfärska recensionen gör mig lycklig över att jag ändrade mig och köpte biljett!
This is cutting-edge dance theatre; a stunning display of physical grace, acrobatic virtuosity, stylistic eclecticism and inexhaustable energy that galvanises the senses. In continuing earlier investigations into the conundrums of la vie humaine (Foi and Mythe), Cherkaoui and collaborating choreographer Damien Jalet offer us a profound and witty (at moments hilarious) meditation on language and communication brought with their characteristic passion. I remain amazed at Cherkaoui's remarkable capacity to blend transcendent spirituality and wholesome earthiness, to challenge the mind while engaging the emotions, and to deal with grand themes without the slightest hint of pretension or pomposity.
Koreografen, Sidi Labri Cherkaoui, har skapat det fantastiska verket Faun som vi såg i januari. Här finns länkar till mycket njutbara Youtubeklipp. Väl värt en stund av din dag.

2 kommentarer:

Jörel sa...

Jag undrar om recencenten, när han skrev sin sista mening, inte hellre borde ha redigerat lite i texten...

"I would also like to apologise to Damien Jalet if I seem to have underplayed his collaborative role in the creation of Babel, by focusing so heavily on Sidi Labri Cherkaoui."

Jorun sa...

Man får väl gissa att han hade en deadline.